Pre-meeting release 11/5

Commissioners to talk parking, upcoming wind meeting Tuesday

The Seneca County Commissioners are to meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at their office, 111 Madison St.
During old business, the board is to hear an update from the county’s parking committee.
Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership CEO and President David Zak will give the update.
The county discussed parking in August when the board set a plan to begin enforcing new parking policies in county lots. County personnel is to monitor the lots and the Tiffin Police Department will write $35 tickets and/or will tow violators. The areas affected by the new policy are the commissioners’ office lot, the old Hanson building lot and the RTA lot. Spaces painted green are to be used by county personnel only during business hours (7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.). Yellow spots are for the public to use, but are limited to two hours.

Also during the meeting, the board is to remind the public of a Wednesday evening joint public meeting of the commissioners and several township trustee boards.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss potential intervention in the Seneca Wind project. The Venice, Eden, Reed, Bloom and Scipio Township Trustees are invited to participate in the joint meeting. The meeting is to begin at 5:30 p.m. and will start with one hour of time for public comment. Comment time is to be limited to three minutes and priority is to be given to those who register online. The link to register to speak during the event is here:
The meeting is to be held at the Scipio Township Maintenance Building, on SR 19 across from the Republic United Church of Christ.
After the public comment portion, the commissioners and trustees will discuss potential paths forward in regard to intervention.
For more information, call (419) 443-7936.

Tuesday is the commissioners meeting, but it is also Election Day, so don’t forget to vote!
The board held a press conference last week for several Tiffin, Fostoria and Seneca County officials to announce their stance against state ballot Issue 1.
Issue 1 would loosen penalties for drug possession offenders. You can watch the entire press conference here:

During appropriations, the board is to consider:
* A $48,000 supplemental appropriation to the Maintenance and Repair Fund (Seneca County Engineer).
*An $11,652 supplemental appropriation to the airport fund.
* A $2,330 supplemental appropriation to the County Sewer District Fund
* A $73,240.11 fund transfer to the Victims of Crime Act Grant fund.
* $76,322.60 in increases to the Victims of Crime Act Expansion Fund and $40,519.74 in decreases to the fund.
* Placing the Slingwine-Eberhard tile on permanent maintenance.

Jimmy Flint:
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