Meeting Release

Post-meeting release, Oct. 3, 2024

Seneca County Commissioners learn about Spotted Lanternfly

 By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator

Pressley Buurma, a Seneca County Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator with OSU Extension, presented a talk on the Spotted Lanternfly at the Oct. 3 Seneca County Commissioners’ meeting. Although the invasive insect is not confirmed in Seneca County, it has been located in Northwest Ohio counties, as well as areas across the state.

Pressley Buurma, a Seneca County Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator with OSU Extension, talked about the invasive Spotted Lanternfly during the Oct. 3 Seneca County Commissioners’ meeting. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

Spotted Lanternflies will cling to vehicles, making it easy to transport across county lines. They are attracted to fruit plants, and Buurma said there is a heightened, current danger to grapes and hops. The insects bores holes in plants, making them more susceptible to disease, and draw nutrients from the plant, leaving the plant in a weakened condition.

The public is encouraged to destroy and report Spotted Lanternflies when discovered. Reports can be made to the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) by email at, by phone at 614-728-6400, or on the ODA’s Spotted Lanternfly website page at

Buurma also talked about upcoming OSU Extension programs including:

  • Mushroom Production Workshop on Oct. 16
  • Nutrient Management three-session workshop for farmers on Oct. 10, Nov. 7 and Dec. 12
  • Make Your Farm a Successful Business three-session workshop for farmers on Oct. 30, Nov. 13 and Nov. 20
  • Bat Week Celebration at the Tiffin Seneca Farmers Market on Oct. 26

For more information on upcoming events, visit or call 419-447-9722.

Seneca County Veterans Service Commission Director, Tara Balliet, and members of the commission attended the meeting to provide updates and discuss the commission’s budget. Balliet said the commission brings in $57 of Veterans Affairs (VA) money for every $1 of county money that is spent.

The Seneca County Commissioners pose with military veterans and staff and board members from the Seneca County Veterans Service Commission during the commissioners’ Oct. 3 meeting. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

Balliet shared the news that a new VA clinic will open in Findlay, and the Seneca County Veterans Service Commission will offer transportation to the clinic. The office currently offers transportation to Toledo and Ann Arbor medical facilities. Although the new Findlay office will not offer as many services at the other two sites, it will be a convenient option for Seneca County veterans when applicable.

Commission board member, Ken Stahl, spoke about the Seneca County Honor Bus, which will take local veterans to Washington, D.C., on Oct. 25 and Nov. 1. A homecoming celebration will be hosted on their return on Oct. 27 and Nov. 3. Commission board member, David Young, who has served on the board for 31 years, talked about a Tiffin University program that offers free guitar lessons for local veterans.

“It gives them something to be proud of,” Young said.

For more information on the Seneca County Veterans Service Commission, visit

During the commissioners’ reports, Commissioner Bill Frankart said he attended a meeting this week with local law enforcement leaders and Seneca County Coroner elect, Dr. Zachary West, who requested the meeting to learn how he can best serve the county in the coming year.

“That was a great meeting to learn how he can lead in January,” Frankart said.

Commissioner Frankart was a guest on WTTF with Operations Manager Mike Roca on Thursday morning, where the commissioner talked about, among other things, the upcoming election. Commissioner Frankart and his wife, Janet, are longtime poll workers, and he encourages local residents to become poll workers, as well. For information, contact the Seneca County Board of Elections at 419-447-7925.

Seneca County Administrator Barb Patterson announced that North Central Electric is hosting a donation drive for hurricane victims in North Carolina. For more information, visit the North Central Cooperative Facebook page.

“All of our community really steps up for disasters,” Patterson said.

In other business, the commissioners’ meeting included a bid opening for the Jail Virtual Attorney Visitation Room project and a bid proposal for the 2024 Community Development Block Grant Administrator.

The commissioners approved eight supplemental appropriations and passed seven resolutions, including a resolution setting Oct. 24 at 10 a.m. at the commissioners’ office as the date to receive requests for qualifications for the planning consultant at the Seneca County Regional Airport.