Prior to becoming a county commissioner, Stacy served as the CEO/President of the Chamber of Commerce of Sandusky County for 10 years. She has also worked as a Public Involvement Manager or Communications Director in the transportation industry for nine years. Stacy worked for Ohio State University Extension at the Agricultural Business Enhancement Center in NW Ohio and in Sandusky County as the 4-H Extension Agent. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Communications from The Ohio State University and a Master’s in Business Administration from Tiffin University. Stacy serves on the Fostoria Economic Development Corporation Board, the Seneca Regional Planning Commission Board, the Health District Advisory Council, the Seneca County Senior Fair Board and numerous other internal committees. She also serves on the board of Directors for the County Commissioners Association of Ohio. She is a member of Grace Community Church, the Tiffin Rotary, Farm Bureau, Old Fort Lions Club and a past president & member of the Old Fort Local School Board. She is also a graduate of the JoAnn Davidson Ohio Leadership Institute Class of 2010 and Leadership Seneca County Class of 2014. Holly and her husband, Douglas, live in Old Fort where they operate their family vegetable and grain farm. They have two adult children and one grandson. Stacy was elected to her second, four-year term in 2016.
Get to know your commissioners:
Favorite local restaurant: A tie between New Riegel Cafe and The Empire at 138.
Favorite road in the county: County Road 15. “It goes a long way, it’s a little windy and a little curvy. It adds a little character.”
Favorite park in the county: Garlo Nature Preserve.
Favorite part of being a commissioner: “The array of citizens we represent.”
Favorite U.S. President: Ronald Reagan. “He truly was a great communicator. He had good charisma, he was professional, he was solid.”
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, photography and spending time with her only grandchild, Owen.
Interesting fact most people don’t know: “I’ve always thought about writing a book. I’d probably write a children’s book.”
Favorite music: Country music. “Garth Brooks and Luke Bryan.”
Pets: “40 head of cattle, one dog and two grandpuppies.”
Favorite TV show and/or movie: American President and Madame Secretary.
Current committee assignments: Community Improvement Corporation, District Health Advisory Board, OSS Solid Waste District, Children and Family First, Seneca Regional Planning Commission, Health Insurance Advisory, Fostoria Economic Development Corporation, Local Emergency Planning Commission, Issue 1, Seneca County Fair Board, The Ohio State University Extension, Land Bank and Information Technology Advisory Board