Thomas graduated from Seneca East High School in 1986, from the University of Toledo with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1990 and from the University of Wisconsin’s Graduate Banking School in 2004. Thomas also studied graduate economics and finance at Bowling Green State University. Thomas spent time working for Fifth-Third, National City and First Bank of Ohio from 1990-1999. In 1999, Thomas was named the Vice President of Commercial Banking at Old Fort Bank Bank. In 2007, he left the bank to become the Vice President of Business Development at MGQ Inc., where he stayed until 2013. He also was a co-founder of MGQ Terminal from 2009-2015.
Thomas serves or has served on several county boards and committees including the Fostoria Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees, the Fostoria Economic Development Corp. board, the Kiwanis Club of Tiffin Board of Trustees, the Leadership Seneca County board, the Ritz Theatre Board, the Sandusky Valley Center Mental Health Center Board, the Seneca County Regional Planning Economic Development Committee, the Tiffin Columbian High School Musical board and the Tiffin-Seneca United Way Board of Trustees.
Thomas’ wife Angela is a professor at Bowling Green State University.
Get to know your commissioners:
Favorite local restaurant: Pie at The Corner Restaurant and barbecued ham at the New Riegel Cafe.
Favorite country road: East County Road 12 in Bloomville. “It runs along the creek, it’s a good bicycle path.”
Favorite park: “Steyer Nature Preserve has the best trail for Mountain bikes. Opportunity Park is inclusive and is a bit of a hidden gem.”
Favorite part of being a commissioner: The School of Opportunity’s Celebrity Basketball Game. “It’s a place where people with a range of abilities can come together and have a good time in the same place.”
Favorite president: Warren G. Harding. “He is a totally underappreciated, local president.”
Hobbies: Recreational cycling, reading, theater and travel. Shayne has traveled to more than 30 countries.
Interesting fact most people don’t know: “I collect autobiographies of secretaries of state.”
Favorite music: “Cole Porter show tunes.”
Pets: “I have three ducks and two cats.”
TV: The Walking Dead.
Current committee assignments: Community Improvement Corporation, Great Lakes Community Action Partnership, Seneca County Coordinated Transportation, District Health Advisory Board, Seneca Regional Planning Commission – Executive Committee and board member, OSS Solid Waste District, Erie Basin Resource Conservation, Downtown Development, Community Corrections, Board of Revision, Entrepreneurship Committee and Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce