OneOhio Recovery Foundation board holds August meeting

First regional grant recommendations reviewed and approved for funding; diversity, equity & inclusion training completed by board

Directors of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization charged with helping distribute Ohio’s opioid settlement funds to advance substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts, today held its public board meeting at the State of Ohio Library in Columbus.

The heart of the August board meeting included an update from Grant Oversight Chair Tom Gregoire and OneOhio Executive Director Alisha Nelson on the grant application review process and progress made to date. Notably, the Foundation’s first regional grant recommendations were presented for full Board review. The Board of Directors then voted to authorize OneOhio staff to negotiate grant agreements with eight organizations and award up to $936,709 to support projects in OneOhio Region 17 focused on prevention, services for impacted children and families, treatment and healthcare services, criminal legal system supports, recovery supports, infrastructure, harm reduction and workforce.

“Today’s meeting marks a significant milestone for our state and our Foundation as the Board approves the first of many regional grant awards that will fund life-saving work in Ohio,” Mason said. “While there’s more work to do to get funding out the door, including the crucial process of finalizing grant agreements to ensure grantees deliver on their promises made, we’re pleased to take this important step forward today.”

Action by the OneOhio Board of Directors follows a thorough application review process that included conflicts of interest checks, as well as assessments by the Region 17 Grant Review Committee, the Foundation’s Expert Panel, and the Grant Oversight Committee. While Region 17 is the first of the 19 OneOhio Regions to have some of its recommendations reviewed by the full Board of Directors, the review process remains underway across the state. Additional funding recommendations are expected in all 19 OneOhio Regions and will be considered by the OneOhio Board of Directors in the coming weeks and months.

More detailed information about funded projects will be publicly released and posted on the OneOhio website on a rolling basis as grant agreements are finalized between the Foundation and grantees.

In addition to approving the Foundation’s first regional grant recommendations, the Board also:

Thanked Directors Glenn Miller (Region 16) and Bambi Baughn (Region 9) as they conclude their service on the OneOhio Board.

Heard an update from Executive Director Alisha Nelson on OneOhio’s work to support upcoming activities surrounding Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st and National Recovery Month in September.

Heard the personal story of Blyth Barnow, an Ohioan who grew up in a household impacted by substance use who now serves as a minister, Director at HEAL Ohio, and the co-founder of the Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Ministry of the United Church of Christ.

Completed a diversity, equity and inclusion training related to mental health and substance use disorders, which was led by Erica Crawley, executive director of Multiethnic Advocates for Cultural Competence, Inc. (MACC) and Joan Englund, executive director of the Mental Health and Addiction Advocacy Coalition (MHAC).

Approved a recommendation by the Executive Committee to pass a motion adopting language to be added to the Code of Regulations clarifying that a current Director would continue service after the expiration of their term until such time as a replacement is appointed. The Executive Committee also recommends adding a virtual board meeting on or around Wednesday, October 29 at 10:30 a.m. to accommodate anticipated additional time needed to review regional grant recommendations.

Received the July financial report from OneOhio Finance Manager Jim Quinn.

Received an update from Personnel Committee Chair Julie Ehemann.

The board’s next public meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the State of Ohio Library, 274 E. First Avenue, Columbus.

Sheri Trusty:
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