Pipeline Safety program held at Sawmill Creek Resort

Commissioner Frankart attends pipeline training program

By Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator Sheri Trusty

Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart, fourth from right, attended the CoRE (Coordinated Response Exercise) program at Sawmill Creek Resort on Feb. 20. The pipeline training program taught First Responders, contractors, community leaders and members of the public the basics of pipeline safety and response techniques for a pipeline emergency. Information provided at the program included up-to-date safety protocols, damage prevention information and current contacts for pipelines.

“This was a very informative meeting, and I was amazed how many different pipelines cross the county with many different products running through them,” Commissioner Frankart said. “I was very surprised and pleased to see our CERT team there along with the Venice Township Trustees and some local Seneca County residents that work for the different companies represented at the meeting.”

Sheri Trusty:
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