Post-meeting release 3/7
Commissioners recognize March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Also read proclamation on Ohio 4-H Week, hear from state department of agriculture rep

[Tiffin, OH March 7, 2019] – The Seneca County Board of Commissioners recognized two causes that are important to the community during a Thursday morning session.
The board read a proclamation recognizing March as Developmental Disability Awareness Month. Advocates from the Seneca County Opportunity Center accepted the proclamation from the commissioners, sat in the commissioners’ chairs and talked about upcoming events.
The events include Bakery Bingo tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Opportunity Center Gym, a craft night fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. March 13 at the Opportunity Center, the 11th annual opportunity center Craft Show 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 16 at the opportunity center, the annual celebrity basketball game 7 p.m. March 26 at Heidelberg’s Seiberling Gymnasium and the 6th annual Palm Sunday ham/chicken dinner April 14 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the opportunity center.
The board thanked the advocates and told them it is among their favorite meetings of the year.
Commissioners also recognized Ohio 4-H Week, which is March 3-9. Commissioner Holly Stacy read the proclamation, and Katie Cole, Ohio State University Extension Office youth educator, accepted it.
The proclamation states that the commissioners recognize the importance of 4-H programs for many youths across the county, helping them to better themselves and thus making the community a better place.
In other business, Fran Elson-Houston, from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, discussed weights and measures, as March 1-7 is National Weights and Measures Week.
Elson-Houston said she works closely with Seneca County Auditor’s Office personnel to make sure all transactions, regardless of size, are fair and legal.
“We are responsible for every transaction,” she said.
Elson-Houston complimented the auditor’s office and Ron Lutz, weights and measures inspector for the auditor’s office, for being easy to work with.
“Ron does a good job,” she said. “Seneca County is in good and capable hands.”
Lutz stays up to date with continuing education about three times annually, to help protect consumers across all sectors of the economy.
In other action, the commissioners agreed to allow the auditor’s office to take over the addressing system for the county. The Emergency Management Agency office previously handled the duty. The change will not affect anyone’s address.
By using the auditor’s GIS mapping system for addressing, on top of the other uses it has, the county will save money. EMA will no longer expend funds for mapping software.
During County Administrator Stacy Wilson’s report, she said the county’s General Fund is at about 13.3 percent of expected revenue and about 21 percent of anticipated expenses. The revenue being lower is typical for this time of year before property tax revenue is collected.
During appropriations, the board approved:
-> A $5,000 supplemental appropriation to the Ambulance Service Fund
-> A $97,680 fund transfer to the Soil and Water Fund
-> A $10,000 supplemental appropriation to the General Fund for legal services, moving 2018 funds over to 2019
-> The agreement with Oriana House for PIVOT on behalf of Seneca County Common Pleas Courts