Post-meeting release 5/16

Board approves security upgrades at Seneca County Museum
Also learn of additional grants received for museum upgrades

[Tiffin, OH May 16, 2019] – The Seneca County Board of Commissioners agreed to move forward with a security improvement project at the Seneca County Museum Thursday morning.
In March 2018, it was announced that about $50,000 of funding from the state capital budget would be available for improvements at the Seneca County Museum and the Civil War Museum.
County Administrator Stacy Wilson said that up to $25,000 would be available from the state if the county matches that dollar amount with approved projects at the county museum.
The approved match project includes security upgrades and is to cost about $25,000.
The board previously was considering improving security systems at the museum, but now the funding can be considered a match for state capital funds. The state money is to be used for work on the Carriage House.
Wilson also said the museum received a $6,390 donation from the Barnes-Deinzer Historical Foundation to continue work on upgrading windows at the museum and a $10,186 grant from the Tiffin Community Foundation for additional work on the Carriage House.
In other business, Wilson said an irrigation system is being installed at the Seneca County Justice Center, as part of an ongoing landscaping project.
In other action, the board continued discussions related to enhancing security systems at the Public Safety Building, 126 Hopewell Ave.
Last week, the commissioners learned that cameras would cost about $13,500 while key fobs would cost about $20,000.
Seneca County EMS Director Ken Majors said in June 2018, a threat assessment document was created, and it spelled out the weaknesses of the security systems at the building.
If the commissioners approve the funding, it will help meet the criteria of the assessment.
About $10,000 was set aside for the project, the rest would need to be appropriated to the Capital Improvements budget line. The commissioners are expected to decide on the matter next week.

During resolutions, the board approved:
* A $13,624 supplemental appropriation to the Targeted Community Alternatives to Prison Grant Fund.
* A $16,576 fund transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund.
* Entering into a contract with Unilliance, Inc., of Oak Harbor, for the 2019 County Chip Seal Project. The company’s bid for the project was $584,276.50.
* Entering into a contract with R. Renegade Co. for window repairs/storm windows at the Seneca County Museum.
* Entering into a contract with Appraisal Research Corporation on behalf of the Seneca County Auditor’s Office.
* The disposal of a 2000 GMC Van on behalf of CROSSWAEH. The van was sold for $200.

Jimmy Flint:
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