Pre-meeting release 8/20

Seneca County Board of Commissioners to meet Tuesday

[Tiffin, OH Aug. 20, 2018] – Seneca County commissioners are to meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the board’s office, 111 Madison St. The meeting’s agenda includes the announcement of a special session at 1:30 p.m. Aug. 30 to discuss the Blanchard River Stream Enhancement Project on a conference call with representatives from several other counties.

According to the meeting agenda, the following appropriations are to be considered:

– A $14,112.36 supplemental appropriation to the General Fund on behalf of Seneca County Juvenile and Probate Court. Subsequent supplemental appropriations of $1,975.72 and $204.62 also are to be considered. The aforementioned appropriations will fund three-percent raises for employees in the department. Three-percent raises were authorized for all departments, but the increase was not added for court personnel in the 2018 budget.
– A $50,000 supplemental appropriation to the General Fund for a loan payment on the Seneca County Justice Center. The payment is the first on an interest-free, $500,000 loan that is to be paid back over the next 10 years.
– A $3,077.57 appropriation adjustment within the Public Assistance Budget and a $10,000 appropriation adjustment within the Public Assistance Budget. The two changes are at the request of Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services. DJFS officials also are requesting a $5,000 supplemental appropriation to the Workforce Investment Act Fund. According to legislation, the money is to help fund the third Seneca County Manufacturing Showcase. According to a Seneca Industrial and Economic Development Corp. release, the event is for area students to learn about careers in manufacturing and participate in hands-on skill demonstrations. Eleven schools within Seneca County will send 700-750 students to participate in the showcase.
– A $121,545 supplemental appropriation to the Capital Projects Fund. The money, which would come from the General Fund, would be used to replace two large sections of the roof at Seneca County Jail.

Jimmy Flint:
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