Pre-meeting release 8/27

Commissioners to talk parking and investments Tuesday

Meeting schedule and appropriations also on the agenda for discussion

[Tiffin, OH Aug. 27, 2018] – Seneca County commissioners are to meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the commissioners’ office, 111 Madison St. Potential parking development in new areas is to be discussed. Commissioners also will talk about the implementation and enforcement of new policies in county lots. Green spaces are to be used by county personnel only during business hours (7 a.m.-5 p.m.) while yellow spots are for anyone to use but are limited to two hours. In other business, Commissioner Shayne Thomas is to update the board on the county’s investment portfolio and commissioners are to discuss moving or canceling the Sept. 18 meeting. County Administrator Stacy Wilson said only one commissioner is available Sept. 18. During new business, the board is to discuss bringing in special counsel to guide the commissioners through the Ohio Power Siting Board process related to the development of wind projects in Seneca County. At about 10:30 a.m., Tiffaney Shaver, of WSOS, is to give an update to the board on the Community Housing Improvement Project. The program aims to help residents who don’t have the resources or ability to make repairs to their homes.

The following legislation is to be considered:

* A request from the prosecutor’s office for a $10,000 supplemental appropriation to the METRICH Fund. The money is to be used for travel.

* A $15,293.05 appropriation adjustment within the Ditch Maintenance Fund on behalf of the Seneca Conservation District. Funding would be moved from contract repairs to auditor/treasurer fees and the ditch maintenance assessment line.

* A $121,545 contract with JB Roofing for replacing two sections of the Seneca County Jail roof.

* A $317,365.90 contract with M.P. Dory Co. For a guardrail installation project.

* A $1,038,553.68 contract with M&B Asphalt for pavement work on CR 19, CR 39 and CR 32.

* A $168,496 purchase of two International 7400 dump trucks for the engineer’s office. * Applying for $466,000 in funding through an Ohio Public Works Commission program.

Jimmy Flint:
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