Pre-meeting release for 3/11 session

Commissioners to consider resolutions, financial appropriations Thursday

[Tiffin, OH March 9, 2020] – The Seneca County Board of Commissioners is to meet at 10 a.m. Thursday for a regular board session.
The commissioners are encouraging residents to join them in the online meeting through the application Zoom. To maintain maximum accessibility, the meeting will be recorded, archived and streamed live through Zoom. Residents can join the meeting by computer or mobile device at the following link:
Residents also can download the Zoom meeting app and join with meeting ID 925 9523 0790. The passcode for the meeting is 453802. Those who would rather call in and listen to the audio of the meeting can dial (646) 558-8656 and use the meeting ID and then enter the passcode.
The meeting also is to be streamed on Facebook on the Seneca County Commissioners page.

During new business, the board is to consider:
* A resolution for General Fund salary increases. Last week, the commissioners agreed to add 3 percent to the salary/wage lines of county employees. With the increase, the commissioners are recommending departments give 1 percent as a bonus, and 2 percent as a raise.
* A $15,100.86 supplemental appropriation to the FFY2021 STEP Fund.
* A $20,401.25 supplemental appropriation to the FFY2021 IDEP Fund.
* An $11,016.80 supplemental appropriation to the Clerk of Courts Title Admin Fund for salaries.
* A $6,000 supplemental appropriation to the Foreclosure Special Projects Fund for software license/services.
* A $10,667.58 supplemental appropriation for Recorder’s Office equipment.
* An agreement with Stantec Consulting Services for engineering fees associated with airfield drainage improvements on behalf of the Seneca County Airport.
* A contract with Crawford Construction Co. for the CR 56 and CR 38 superstructure replacement prestressed box beams project. The company, from Galion, bid $236,119.96 for the project on Feb. 25.


Jimmy Flint:
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