Resilient in Battle: Commissioner Bill Frankart endures seven-hour WIN Waste deposition

By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator

Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart smiles inside the Sandusky County Courthouse moments after leaving a nearly seven-hour deposition. (Photo by Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator)

Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart has consistently stepped onto the frontlines of the battle to gain more local oversight of the WIN Waste of Seneca County landfill, also referred to as Sunny Farms Landfill. On May 28, he was pushed onto the battlefield by WIN Waste’s legal team for a deposition regarding a lawsuit filed by WIN Waste against the Ottawa Sandusky Seneca (OSS) Solid Waste District. The Seneca County Commissioners sit on the OSS board.

Although Frankart didn’t choose to join this skirmish, he handled it with his typical wisdom and strength, enduring nearly seven hours of questioning in a small conference room in the basement of the Sandusky County Courthouse.

“I took a hit for the constituents, and I’ll do it every day,” Frankart said.

Sheri Trusty:
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