SMYL mentoring program needs help bringing more smiles to area youth

By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator

Right now, 54 youths in Seneca County are getting the extra support they need to thrive thanks to Seneca Mentoring Youth Links (SMYL), a youth mentoring program for youths ages 6 to 17. The program pairs youths with mentors who meet with them a minimum of four hours a month for friendship and guidance.

From left, Jay Rishty, Sandy Hallett Berkey and Mandi Hummel volunteer at the SMYL Basket Party during the Sept. 19 Downtown Pizza Party. (Submitted photo)

SMYL is a program of Seneca County Family & Children First Council (FCFC).

“SMYL is lifechanging for kids,” said FCFC Executive Director Sandy Hallett Berkey. “We have 54 matched kids and 35 on a waiting list.”

The SMYL Foundation board includes President Mandi Hummel, Secretary Jacob Simon and Treasurer Nicole Miller. Barb Bruns and Jennifer Gill serve as SMYL case managers, and Dawn Lykins is SMYL’s mentor coordinator.

From left, Challie Briihl, Jacob Simon and Shelli Stickmeister sell raffle tickets at the SMYL Basket Party. (Submitted photo)

With 35 youths on the waiting list, Lykins is looking for more mentors.

“This is really good for empty nesters,” Hallett Berkey said. “We have mentors who are coaches and some who are students at Heidelberg and Tiffin University.”

The SMYL Foundation also runs the Impact after-school program at A Little Faith Ministries.

“Impact provides tutoring for the kids. It’s another aspect of mentoring,” Hallett Berkey said. “Mentoring is data-proven to change the lives of kids.”

The SMYL Basket Party raised over $5000 to help sustain the SMYL program. (Submitted photo)

SMYL got a huge boost when it was chosen as the recipient of the Downtown Pizza Party fundraiser hosted by Seneca County Young Professionals on Sept. 19. The event drew over 2,000 people to downtown Tiffin.

“Every year, we choose a different nonprofit,” said Seneca County Young Professionals President, Marisa Huss. “We have quit a few Young Professionals involved with the SMYL Foundation, either as mentors or board members, and they asked if we would consider the foundation this year. It’s a great program because the youth in our community are our future. The more we can do for them, the better.”

The SMYL Basket Party featured 105 baskets filled with donated prizes. The event was held at The Chandelier in Tiffin. (Submitted photo)

Hallett Berkey was very grateful for the Young Professionals’ generosity.

“They chose us as the nonprofit this year, which was amazing,” she said.

In addition to being the event’s fundraising recipient, SMYL also hosted a basket party at The Chandelier during the Downtown Pizza Party. Foundation members raffled 105 baskets filled with donated prizes and raised over $5,000 for SMYL.

“We had so many generous donations. This money will help us sustain the program,” Hallett Berkey said. “The vibe at the event was high-energy. Everyone had so much fun.”

For more information on the SMYL program, call 419-447-2927 or visit

Sheri Trusty:
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