
Seneca County Youth Center acquires facility service dog

Judge Jay A. Meyer, the Seneca County Juvenile Court, and the Seneca County Youth Center are excited to welcome Elon, a Golden Retriever facility service dog, to the Seneca County

Youth Center team.  Elon is a professionally raised and trained facility dog from Guide Dogs of America certified by the International Guide Dog Federation as a facility dog to provide therapeutic assistance to youth and staff within the Youth Center and community.

Elon will promote positive moods; reduce stress, anxiety and depression; ease loneliness; encourage exercise; and improve the all-around health of Youth Center residents and staff.  Many youth enter the Youth Center with significant childhood trauma.  Many also suffer from mental health and/or thinking disorders, emotional issues, learning disabilities and substance use disorders.  Elon will provide much-needed comfort and stress relief to youth residing at the Youth Center while simultaneously helping them develop trust and build positive relationships.  Elon will likewise have a positive impact on Youth Center staff who face highly stressful situations and challenges on a daily basis.

“Promoting support for mental health and well-being is a key component of the Youth Center’s holistic approach to serve our youth and families,” said Sarah Canalos, Seneca County Youth Center Director.  “I am so pleased to welcome Elon to our Youth Center team and look forward to seeing the joy he will bring to the youth and families we serve.”

Elon will work at the Youth Center and reside with Youth Center Program Coordinator and specially trained facility dog handler, Tasha Boyd.

“I am thankful to be given the opportunity to serve as Elon’s handler.  Elon is going to provide such an amazing presence for our staff, residents, and community.  When I accepted this job, my main goal was to make a difference in the lives of the youth of our community, and Elon will help me do that.  He is the perfect addition to our team,” Boyd said.

   “We are thrilled to welcome Elon to our Youth Center team,” Meyer said.  “The Youth Center’s mission is to promote change in the youth we serve by providing them a safe and supportive environment. I am confident Elon will help us to promote that positive change while simultaneously offering youth the unconditional joy and love that a specially trained facility dog provides.  My Youth Center team will take excellent care of Elon and utilize his talents and training for the maximum benefit of the youth and families we serve.”

For more information on Guide Dogs of America, visit