County Commissioner joins Kiwanis
Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart joins the Kiwanian tradition of helping children
Story and photo by Sheri Trusty
Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart became the newest member of Tiffin Kiwanis Club when he was inducted during the club’s Nov. 30 meeting. As a Kiwanian, he joins a long tradition of impacting the lives of children.
“Our main focus is serving the children of the world,” said Tiffin Kiwanis Past President Sharon Rigby, who sponsored Frankart’s membership. “For a long time, neonatal care and iodine deficiency were two of our intense focuses.”

Tiffin Kiwanis sponsors service leadership programs for all ages, including K-Kids for elementary students, Builders Club for middle school students, Key Club for high schoolers, and Circle K International for college students.
“We sponsor all of them, but they all have their own officers and their own fundraisers,” Rigby said.
Tiffin Kiwanis also sponsors an Aktion Club for adults with disabilities. Aktion Club includes over 10,000 members around the globe.
“We have the largest Aktion Club in the State of Ohio,” said Tiffin Kiwanis member, Jeffrey Kuhn.
Frankart’s wife, Janet Frankart, joined him at the induction ceremony, where the commissioner also gave a State of the County address.
“We’ve been good friends for many years, and a couple months ago, I asked Bill if he wanted to be a member. He said he would love to,” Rigby said. “He was really happy and wanted to join.”
Frankart is grateful for the opportunity to join a club that has such a tremendous impact on children in Tiffin and around the world.
“I was very appreciative of the Tiffin Kiwanis Club for inviting me to speak today and give an update on the projects the county is working on,” Frankart said. “The Kiwanis is a wonderful organization that does a lot for our community. I was honored to have Sharon Rigby sponsor me to become a member.”