Kroger invests $1.8 million in Fostoria store
By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator
Several local dignitaries attended the Sept. 6 ribbon cutting for the newly remodeled Fostoria Kroger. The event celebrated the completion of the $1.8 million renovation project that took five months to complete.

The project was part of a $64 million investment in Kroger’s Columbus division, which includes 113 stores.

Among the dignitaries who attended the event were State Rep. Gary Click, Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart, Seneca County Auditor Julie Adkins, Fostoria Mayor Don Mennel and Fostoria Safety Service Director Eric Keckler.
“Our stores across the state would not be good without good local leaders,” said Kroger Corporate Affairs Manager Mark Bruce.

Click presented a proclamation to the Fostoria Kroger, which was accepted by Bruce.
“Congratulations on your improvements and your renovations,” Click said. “Thank you for being a community partner and for all you do for Fostoria and all you invest in Fostoria.”
During the event, Kroger presented a $40,000 donation to Ohio 4-H. The donation was accepted by Crystal Ott, the director of the Ohio 4-H Foundation.

The Fostoria Kroger employees kept the store running smoothly throughout the long renovation process. Kroger District Manager Ryan Wickline expressed his gratitude to the Kroger team for their hard work and patience, and he gave a shout-out to Meat Department Leader Zach Stumpf, who not only kept his department functioning throughout the project, but he is actively involved in promoting Fostoria through his other profession as owner of Scanner Media.

“Thank you to all the store team here,” Wickline said.
Frankart was glad to be a part of the celebration.
“Congratulations on the completion of the renovation project. The store looks great,” Frankart said. “We are thankful for the investment you made into the community.”