OSS Solid Waste District offers educational programs
OSS Education Specialist Jon Long talks trash at Old Fort Elementary
By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator

Seneca County Commissioners Anthony Paradiso and Bill Frankart joined OSS Seneca County Education Specialist, Jon Long, for a visit to Old Fort Elementary School on March 5, where Long talked to Kylie Dickman’s third grade class about the life cycle of recycled trash.
The program kicked off with a room full of giggles when Long told the kids he was there to talk trash.

Long is one of three Education Specialists with the OSS Solid Waste District. The educators utilize Ohio EPA curriculum to teach elementary students in Seneca, Sandusky and Ottawa counties about recycling topics. In Dickman’s class, Long talked about the impact of recycling, and he taught the students how to read recycling labels.
“I learned you can make a lunchbox out of plastic bottles,” said eight-year-old Charlie Cook. “That was interesting.”

Throughout the school year, Long will visit every school in Seneca County.
“I’ll talk to about 2,000 kids,” Long said. “The schools in Seneca County are good partners. They believe in recycling.”
Paradiso was impressed with Long’s presentation and with the student’s engagement in the program.
“Miss Dickman and the staff at Old Fort Elementary School were very accommodating,” he said. “It was refreshing and rewarding to see how the students interacted and were interested in the recycling process. I am pleased to see the impact and benefits firsthand of our education program.”
The commissioners had as much fun as the students during Long’s program.

“We had an enjoyable day with the third graders from Old Fort Elementary School as they interacted with Jon Long from OSS on some recycling activities he presented to them,” Commissioner Frankart said. “We appreciate Old Fort Elementary School for letting us come and enjoy the learning experience.”
Long talked to the students about making wise purchasing choices through green shopping and explained the personal impact they can have on the environment.
“Putting trash in the bins makes you the most important part of the cycle,” he told the kids.
Dickman said the program helps reinforce lessons the kids are learning at the school.
“I think it’s important because we recycle at the school, and some kids don’t understand why,” she said. “Also, after programs like this, the students go home and encourage their parents to recycle.”