Post-meeting release 12/18
County reads proclamation for ODJFS Director of the Year Kathy Oliver
Board also agrees to conduit-bonding agreement with Heidelberg University

[Tiffin, OH Dec. 18, 2018] – The Seneca County Board of Commissioners congratulated Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services Director Kathy Oliver Tuesday morning for being named Ohio Director of the Year by the Ohio Job and Family Services Directors’ Association.
The commissioners presented Oliver with a proclamation recognizing her honor.
Oliver began her time as director in June 2003. For more information on Oliver’s honor, see our release online
In other business, Heidelberg University President Rob Huntington and other university personnel visited the board for a public hearing related to a conduit-bonding agreement between the county and the school.
The board approved the agreement, which will help the university move forward with a nearly $40 million capital improvement project.
The agreement will not affect the county’s debt limit and will cost nothing to taxpayers, but allows the university to

have tax-exempt status on a project that will have benefits to the public. For more information on Heidelberg’s plans for the additional capital funding, see this article that was published in The Advertiser-Tribune:
The county has acted as a conduit issuer for several projects, including for Good Shepherd Home, Mercy Health – Tiffin Hospital and another for Heidelberg University.
During appropriations, the board approved:
* A $3,559.73 supplemental appropriation to the General Special Projects Fund for other expenses, equipment and contract services.
* A contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.. for general services at the Seneca County Airport in 2019.
* A $6,286.23 supplemental appropriation to the Special Projects Fund for other expenses.