Post-meeting release 7/24
Commissioners approve proclamation recognizing mental health program
Campaign is to connect farmers to mental health services in the community

[Tiffin, OH July 24, 2019] – The Seneca County Board of Commissioners approved a proclamation Wednesday morning that officially recognized the kickoff of a campaign to help improve the mental health of agricultural producers in the county.
The campaign, entitled “Weathering the Storm Together,” is a collaborative effort by the OSU Extension Office, the county Farm Services Agency, Tiffin-Seneca Public Library, Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Seneca, Sandusky and Wyandot Counties, Seneca Soil Conservation District, Sutton Bank, Natural Resources Conservation Services, Ag Credit, the Ohio Farm Bureau and producers Gary Baldosser and Mike Scherger.
This year’s extreme weather conditions have led to difficult times for farmers in the county, in the state and across the country. These trials have affected the stress levels and overall mental health of producers. The campaign program includes several events throughout the rest of this year to raise awareness about mental health issues in the agricultural community and to connect people with local mental health resources.
Commissioner Shayne Thomas said he is happy the campaign is kicking off.
“We appreciate all of the collaborative partners working together to raise awareness of mental health concerns during this difficult farm economy,” he said. “All of us can help lift the stigma around needing help.”
The entire proclamation is available at this link.
In other business, Pat McCauley, the public affairs liaison for Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague, told the board that the treasurer’s office is reopening the application window for farmers to apply for up to a $150,000 loan through the Ag-LINK program. The window is being reopened because of the aforementioned bad weather. The loans also could have a reduced interest rate of about two percent. Applications are being accepted until Nov. 15, for more information visit this link.
Commissioner Mike Kerschner thanked Sprague, who is from Findlay, for spending time in Seneca County and working hard to help farmers in the area.
During resolutions, the commissioners approved:
* A $4,500 supplemental appropriation to the Emergency Management Fund for contract services.
* A $1,500 supplemental appropriation to the Emergency Management Fund for travel.
* A $2,000 fund advance from the General Fund to the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Fund. The request comes from the sheriff’s office and will be paid back once STEP grant funds are received.
* A participation agreement with the County Commissioner Association of Ohio Service Corporation and West Publishing Corporation on behalf of Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services.
* Entering into a subgrant agreement with ODJFS on behalf of Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services.