Post-meeting Release, Oct. 24, 2024
Nurse Honor Guard discussed at Oct. 24 Seneca County Commissioners’ meeting
By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator
Debbie Schultz attended the Oct. 24 Seneca County Commissioners’ meeting to talk about the North Ohio-Lake Erie Nurse Honor Guard, an organization that honors nurses’ lifetime dedication to service. The group provides tribute ceremonies at nurses’ funerals and memorial services.
The North Ohio-Lake Erie Nurse Honor Guard, which is a chapter of the nationwide organization, serves Seneca, Sandusky, Ottawa, Erie and Huron counties. Nurses performing the ceremony wear traditional white uniforms, caps and Florence Nightingale capes.

“We do a Nightingale Tribute at funerals and memorial services,” Schultz said.
The approximately ten-minute ceremony is provided free of charge and includes a brief talk on the nurse’s service, the presentation of a white rose, and a roll call of the nurses present, followed by the ringing of a chime. The ceremony serves to officially release the nurse from her duty.
“We’re letting her know that the nurses who remain will step up and take over her duty,” Schultz said.
The North Ohio-Lake Erie chapter has performed 12 tributes since the group was formed on June 14. The group is looking for nurses who want to join the group as volunteers. Monetary donations are very welcome.
For more information on the North Ohio-Lake Erie Nurse Honor Guard, contact Debbie Schultz at
Tiffin Mayor Lee Wilkinson attended the commissioners’ meeting to discuss a proposed Court Street Project. If approved, the project would include beautification improvements and upgrades to make the sidewalks ADA compliant. Wilkinson said the project would rework the sidewalks so they match the streetscape and would include the installation of decorative streetlights.
Wilkinson asked the commissioners to fund $52,849.23 of the total $365,492.50 cost of the Court Street Project.
During their reports, the commissioners talked about the many events and meetings they attended in the last week, including the Seneca County OSU Extension Advisory Council meeting that Commissioner Bill Frankart attended.
“I’m amazed at all the work they do over there,” Frankart said. “They do a great job.”
Frankart and Commissioner Tyler Shuff attended an Oct. 23 ceremony hosted by the Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce that dedicated the former Ella Street Bridge in honor of Rich Focht. Shuff presented a proclamation to Focht’s family from the commissioners to honor Focht’s impact on the city.
Commissioner Anthony Paradiso said the commissioners and Seneca County Administrator Barb Patterson are continuing to work on the 2025 budget. Patterson said October sales were up, but the yearly sales tax total is down, as of Oct. 24.
“Year-to-date, we’re 3.4% below target, and (sales tax) is a majority of our budget,” Patterson said.
In her administrator’s report, Patterson announced that the Village of Republic will receive a $1,500 grant from the Gillmor Foundation to install a new Glide Slide at the community park.
“Thank you to FEDC (Fostoria Economic Development Corporation),” Patterson said. “They are the ones who procured the grant and wrote the grant.”
In other business, a bid opening for an RFQ for the planning consultant at the Seneca County Airport resulted in one bid. The commissioners approved one supplemental appropriation and passed four resolutions.