
Saying goodbye to summer friends

By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator

Aubrey Schumm, 14, has been raising calves to sell at the Seneca County Fair for six years. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

This summer, 14-year-old Aubrey Schumm spent every day traveling to her grandfather’s house to feed, walk and work with Sprocket, her dairy beef calf. On July 28, Sprocket was one of about 90 cattle sold at the Junior Fair Back to the Farm, Feeder Calf Sale.

Aubrey Schumm walks her calf, Sprocket, into the ring for the Feeder Calf Sale. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

This is the sixth year Aubrey sold a calf at the fair.

“I like the cows. It’s fun,” Aubrey said. “Fair week is my favorite week of summer.”

Aubrey’s mother, Ashley Schumm, didn’t grow up a 4-H kid like her husband, so she has learned a lot as a 4-H mom. Having kids in 4-H requires a commitment from the parents, too, but Ashley said the work is worth the benefits.

“We do this because of the joy my kids have doing it,” Ashley said. “Watching my kids succeed in something that is truly them makes me proud.”

Selling a calf that a youth has spent every summer day working with is difficult. Even though sale day is always in the back of their heads, it’s nearly impossible not to get attached to the animals.

“It’s hard to let go,” Aubrey said. “I cry a lot, just not in front of people.”



4-H youths said their last goodbyes to their calves at the Seneca County Fair Back to the Farm, Feeder Calf Sale on July 28. (Photos by Sheri Trusty)