Seneca County Townships learn about Ohio employee supplemental retirement plan
By Sheri Trusty, Seneca County Media Relations Coordinator
Stan Mories, an account executive with the Ohio Deferred Compensation Program, gave an informational talk about the opportunity for Ohio public employees to save extra money for retirement during the Seneca County Township Association meeting held at Sentinel on Sept. 12. Mories described Ohio Deferred Compensation as a sister program to the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS).

“Any public employee in Ohio can participate in the system,” he said. “It’s a supplemental, voluntary, retirement program.”
Ohio Deterred Compensation is a governmental 457(b) retirement plan available to any Ohio public employee. The program offers a low-fee savings option through payroll deductions. For more information, visit or contact Mories at 877-644-6457 or
The township meeting, which was catered by Bone Boy’s BBQ & Catering, gave township officials the opportunity to network with each other and with elected officials from across the county, including State Rep. Gary Click. Click works with Seneca County’s townships to assist them with local projects and budget needs.
“My door is always open, and my phone is always available,” Click said.
Click said he has been working with Seneca County Commissioner Anthony Paradiso on Seneca County EMS initiatives and with Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart on Senate Bill 119, which will provide more local oversight over the WIN Waste Innovations of Seneca County landfill.
“I’m going to keep fighting for your safety and for the security of your property values,” Click said.
Paradiso provided updates on county projects, including the Vanguard-Sentinel Public Safety Academy that will provide law enforcement, fire and EMS training. The building is under construction at Sentinel, and classes are expected to begin in August, 2025.
Paradiso invited the public to the grand opening of the Bloomville EMS Station #4 on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 10 a.m. The station is located at 9428 East US 224 outside of Bloomville.
Frankart announced that the Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce will host space inside a building at next year’s Sandusky County Fair. Chamber Executive Director Bryce Riggs has offered space inside the building to townships, which normally set up in a tent.
Seneca County Auditor Julie Adkins, who recently took over regional planning administration, said she hopes to connect with townships for one-on-one meetings this fall.
“In the meantime, reach out if you need anything,” she said.
The next Seneca County Township Association meeting will be held in December.