Shuff looks ahead to new ventures
Commissioner Tyler Shuff to move on to new ventures when term ends
After much soul searching, today is a day that comes with many mixed feelings for me, but in my mind and heart I feel I’m making the right decision. At this time, I have made the choice to not seek re-election as your Seneca County Commissioner. I need to take some time to focus on my overall health and well-being. This conclusion did not come easily for me, or without many sleepless nights.

I’ve been heavily involved in our community and public service since I was 23 years old as an elected Tiffin City Councilman. By the end of my commissioner term, I will have served for over 16 years. My plan is to take some time from chopping wood so that I may sharpen my axe, so to speak. My community deserves the absolute best, and I want to be at my best.
I’d like to sincerely thank my family, friends, co-workers and the many great teams of talented individuals I’ve had the opportunity to have around me over the years. It’s truly been a blessing.
One thing I want to be very clear about is that this is not a “good-bye”. This is more of an “I’ll see you soon.” I can and will continue to work and get positive things done for our community and residents here in Seneca County. My life has been dedicated to public service and progress, and that will not change.
We currently have three commissioners that care deeply about the well-being of our citizens. I’m confident that our county is in good hands with the other two gentlemen I serve with and that my seat will be in good hands with Brent Busdecker. I fully support Brent, and I also urge you to support him as well.
Deciding to take a pause so I may recharge was an extremely difficult decision for me. I pray that the public understands. I didn’t decide to live here for our ocean views, mountains ranges, or climate. It’s because I love our people.
Being able to serve my community has been the biggest honor of my life. I can confidently rest knowing that I’m leaving this place in better shape than I found it.
Seneca County Commissioner
Tyler J Shuff