
Commissioner Bill Frankart Reflects on His First 100 Days in Office

Commissioner Bill Frankart Reflects on His First 100 Days in Office

Commissioner Bill Frankart

[Tiffin, OH – April 14, 2023] — Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart recently completed his first 100 days in office. As he marks this milestone, he took a moment to look back on his accomplishments and share his priorities moving forward.

In response to how his first 100 days have been, Commissioner Frankart expressed his enjoyment and gratitude for the warm welcome he has received from the county. He mentioned his active participation in committee meetings and interactions with various departments, indicating a busy but fulfilling start to his term.

“I have really enjoyed my first 100 days in office. We are fortunate enough to live in a great county, and most everyone has been very welcoming. I’ve been very busy attending a lot of the committee meetings we are on as commissioners and visiting with the different departments,” Frankart said.

Frankart also highlighted some of the achievements he is proud of during his initial months in office.

“Some of the accomplishments that I have achieved, along with the support of the other two commissioners so far, is collaboratively working with the Seneca County Fair and the new EMS director Don Ballah on opening the EMS/EMA building and supporting a plan to help keep safety as a first priority at the county fair,” he said. “I was part of the interview process to bring back an Agriculture Educator to Seneca County, and Pressley Buurma will start the first week of May.”

When asked about his priorities moving forward, he emphasized his commitment to expanding broadband access, continuing work on providing excellent EMS service and collaborating with officials at all levels of government.

“Some priorities moving forward are to keep the pedal down on trying to get broadband throughout the county. Another priority is to get EMS to be considered an “essential service” so more reimbursements can be retrieved on runs. I believe working with our local, state and federal elected officials and the proper agencies we can make this happen along with gaining some more oversight on the landfill,” Frankart said.

As he reflected on his favorite parts of the job, Commissioner Frankart mentioned the value he finds in engaging with the community and attending meetings and events across the county.

“My favorite part of the job is crossing the county, attending as many meetings and events as possible, and being boots on the ground, listening to all the different stories and seeing the pride people have in their communities,” he said.

When asked about the biggest challenge or adjustment in his first 100 days in office, Frankart highlighted the slower pace of government as something he has had to adapt to.

Looking ahead, Commissioner Frankart remains committed to leaving Seneca County in a better state for future generations, as he continues to serve the community with his fiscal responsibility and conservative approach to decision-making.

Commissioner Anthony Paradiso said Frankart’s transition from Township Trustee to County Commissioner has been a seamless one.

“Commissioner Frankart has really hit the ground running in his first 100 days,” he said. “His background in local government, his fiscally responsible mindset and his work ethic have served him well so far, and I’m looking forward to continuing to work closely with him for the betterment of our county.”