Post-meeting release 11/13
Commissioners consider a resolution that would rescind county’s AEZ in September
A proclamation is read honoring state champion Calvert girls volleyball team
[Tiffin, OH Nov. 13, 2018] – Seneca County Commissioner Shayne Thomas read a document during Tuesday’s meeting that outlines his opinion on the county’s official stance on the Seneca Wind Project.
Thomas’ stance is not to intervene for or against the Seneca Wind Project. He claims by staying neutral, the townships involved (Venice, Eden, Reed, Scipio and Bloom) could then use the services of the county prosecutor’s office to intervene against the project during the state adjudicatory hearing process. Four of the five townships already have made motions to intervene against the project.
The document concludes by setting Sept. 19, 2019, at 9 a.m. for the Alternative Energy Zone to expire. Thomas said setting the date would be fair to leaseholders and alternative energy companies, so they have prior notice that the program would be rescinded in the county.
The resolution was tabled to give Commissioners Holly Stacy and Mike Kerschner a chance to mull the contents.
The document Thomas prepared is available in its entirety here.

Also during the meeting, the commissioners read a proclamation congratulating the Tiffin Calvert High School girls volleyball team for winning the state championship last weekend. The team and their coach Lori Rombach attended the meeting to accept the proclamation. The proclamation that was read during the meeting is available here.
In other business, the board moved one step closer to approving its 2019 General Fund budget.
The county’s budget commission certified $17.8 million in revenue for next year. Current expenditure estimates are about $17.4 million. That estimate includes three-percent raises for county employees. The commissioners still must make a decision on several other points, including how much to invest in economic development services through Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership and Fostoria Economic Development Corp.
A contract proposal has been pitched by TSEP and FEDC has requested more funding to increase services
to the county. A focus on rural economic development is one area where more funding could lead to more development. Last year the county spent about $75,000 between the two agencies, the proposal for FEDC is to ask for about a $22,000 increase while TSEP is asking for about a $49,000 increase. TSEP put the proposal together at the request of the County for additional services with a suggestion of additional funding. Technically, the County requested TSEP put together a proposal for the $116,000.
During appropriations, the board approved:
* A $500 supplemental appropriation to the Seneca County Juvenile and Probate Courts Computer Fund for contract services.
* A $24.31 supplemental appropriation to the Community Development Block Grant Fund for Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Department equipment.
* A $30,000 fund transfer from the General Fund to the Justice Center Improvement/Replacement Fund. The city is to match with $10,000. This transfer is to be made annually to fund maintenance costs at the justice center, according to the lease agreement.
* An addendum to an agreement with the Seneca County General Health District for 2018 nursing services on behalf of the Seneca County Youth Center.
* A $4,366.68 supplemental appropriation for contract services.