
Museum Speaker Series Continues Aug. 18th

Paul Coffman

The Seneca County Museum will be hosting Paul Coffman from the Tiffin Glass Museum on August 18th at 7:00 p.m.   The program will be “History of Glass in Tiffin, Ohio.”   

“We are very excited to be partnering with Mr. Coffman and the Tiffin Glass Museum.  Although the Seneca County Museum has a large collection of Tiffin Glass, this is Paul’s area of expertise.  Unlike the Seneca County Museum which has vast collections on many subjects and people, the Glass Museum has a specialized concentration,” said museum director Theresa Sullivan. 

Tiffin Glass enthusiasts in the area will not want to miss this presentation.  The program will be held in the Fort Ball Room in the Seneca County Museum located at 28 Clay St. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. There is no admission charge.  However, donations collected that evening will be equally divided between the Seneca County Museum and the Tiffin Glass Museum.